Whenever people come to see me, I am always impressed by their courage. No matter what the problems are, most everyone enters therapy from a confused and vulnerable space. To do so takes courage. In knowing this, I work to honor their vulnerability and courage. I know that by providing a grounded, attentive, and focused presence to those I work with, trust will occur between us, and we can all be more free to address whatever the pain may be. Without this foundation of trust, I will not be able to effectively help at all.
I have been a therapist for thirty-five years specializing in therapy with families, adolescents/young men, couples, and individual men and women. In all therapy, I believe that trust comes first, then current struggles need to be addressed effectively and urgently, then opportunity may open up for personal and relational growth beyond immediate issues.
I see the world in relationships. Your relationship to yourself, your partner, your children, your professional and social communities are all parts of you I want to understand. I have immense respect for life's complexities and am always in awe of the intimacy shared when these complexities are revealed and life changes are occurring.